Perpetual Insecurity
Another form of damage that I would be very concerned about is
quite subtle and unlike the previous two problems, for all
intents and purposes, is undetectable. Once a member database is
compromised, the association can never again be sure that access
to its member only areas is actually limited to members only.
With access to the member data used by the web site, the
persons who have already successfully compromised the site, have
the information used in any automated registration process.
The intruder no longer needs any technical skills to enter the
member only areas at will. All they need to do is pick a record
from the stolen database and enter the right pieces of
information in the automated registration processes. Further,
unlike the original intrusion, such access would be
indistinguishable from legitimate member access.
If they entered the stolen data into a database management system
(DBMS) and deleted each record that no longer contained useable
data, they would have a gradually decreasing pool of data to work
from. Not until the stolen information about each member at the
time of the theft became obsolete, could they be kept out of the
member only areas.
Depending on several factors including the nature of the
original insecurity that allowed the first compromise and the
kinds of functions available in the member only areas, continued
access to member only areas would likely provide information to
facilitate future thefts or other compromises. Since many web
insecurities are related to program bugs in dynamic content,
being able get the names and parameters via the displayed forms
of web site scripts is a large step towards finding potential
bugs in such scripts. Bugs can lead to almost any kind of
compromise that can be described.
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