Password Cracking Time Calculator
Change options below to see cracking times for different cracks
per second (variations in computer speed and hashing method), different size
character sets, and different password lengths.
If you are only interested in strong passwords, you might remove
the smaller character set sizes or any lengths less than 10.
Times are for processing all character combinations; average time for a
specific password would be one half the listed time, but could vary from
a fraction of a second to the full listed time. Any weakness, such as
similarity to any common password, known names and words, or common phrases,
invalidates all times as they apply only to pure brute force attacks.
Special Terms of Use: By using results from this calculator, you agree to
these special terms of use.
3 0.0002 seconds
4 0.006 seconds
5 0.158 seconds
6 4.12 seconds
7 1.78 minutes
8 46.4 minutes
9 20.1 hours
10 21.8 days
11 1.55 years
12 40.3 years
13 1.05 millennia
14 27.3 millennia
15 709 millennia
16 18,438 millennia
17 479,379 millennia
18 1.25e+7 millennia
19 23.1 universes
20 602 universes
21 15,647 universes
22 406,834 universes
3 0.0006 seconds
4 0.022 seconds
5 0.806 seconds
6 29.0 seconds
7 17.4 minutes
8 10.4 hours
9 15.7 days
10 1.55 years
11 55.6 years
12 2.00 millennia
13 72.1 millennia
14 2,596 millennia
15 93,469 millennia
16 3.36e+6 millennia
17 8.65 universes
18 311 universes
19 11,214 universes
20 403,696 universes
21 1.45e+7 universes
22 5.23e+8 universes
3 0.002 seconds
4 0.097 seconds
5 5.07 seconds
6 4.39 minutes
7 3.81 hours
8 8.25 days
9 1.18 years
10 61.1 years
11 3.18 millennia
12 165 millennia
13 8,594 millennia
14 446,868 millennia
15 1.66 universes
16 86.3 universes
17 4,488 universes
18 233,380 universes
19 1.21e+7 universes
20 6.31e+8 universes
21 3.28e+10 universes
22 1.71e+12 universes
3 0.004 seconds
4 0.302 seconds
5 20.9 seconds
6 24.0 minutes
7 1.15 days
8 2.64 months
9 15.0 years
10 1.03 millennia
11 71.4 millennia
12 4,924 millennia
13 339,758 millennia
14 1.67 universes
15 116 universes
16 7,972 universes
17 550,096 universes
18 3.80e+7 universes
19 2.62e+9 universes
20 1.81e+11 universes
21 1.25e+13 universes
22 8.60e+14 universes
3 0.011 seconds
4 1.09 seconds
5 1.72 minutes
6 2.72 hours
7 10.8 days
8 2.80 years
9 2.66 centuries
10 25.3 millennia
11 2,405 millennia
12 228,463 millennia
13 1.55 universes
14 147 universes
15 13,991 universes
16 1.33e+6 universes
17 1.26e+8 universes
18 1.20e+10 universes
19 1.14e+12 universes
20 1.08e+14 universes
21 1.03e+16 universes
22 9.77e+17 universes
You may use this for your own information. You may quote limited
results in print or on the Internet or otherwise published or distributed. If you use
10 or more results (1 character set and 10 password lengths, 2 character sets and 5
password lengths, 3 character sets and 4 password lengths (12 results)) you MUST give
credit to George Shaffer. Further, if it is technically possible, you
MUST create a working link back to this page and if it is not technically possible
you MUST provide a complete and accurate URL to this page as In addition, each separate number counts
as a word, and you agree to all terms and conditions in the
Terms of Use and Copyright, and the GeodSoft Publication
except that you are NOT required to and MUST NOT use the long form of the
copyright notice and license by reference. Unless you can prove otherwise, use of results
from this calculator are deemed to have begun on May 25, 2012, when this calculator was
first made available on
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