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Building GeodSoft's Web Site

Discusses the issues dealt with while building mirrored web sites on Linux, Windows NT, and OpenBSD at the same time. In August, 2001, the NT server was abandoned and in February, 2002, a FreeBSD mirror web site set up. The issues discussed are most relevant to sites selecting a web server platform or considering a platform change.


This section discusses the actual process of building the web site with an emphasis on the administrative and implementation issues caused by multiple operating systems. Pros and cons and problems specific to one or another of the platforms are often the subject. It is intended as a case study. The choices that were faced, the decisions made with the reasons why, and the mechanical processes including the tools used are discussed. Most sections were written immediately after the issues under discussion were decided on or while the features being discussed were being implemented.

This section focus the difference between the Linux, Windows NT and OpenBSD servers. For a discussion of the design and organizational issues that were common across all three sites see Designing Except for the initial Overview the order of the pages is chronological as the issues were encountered.

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