George Shaffer's Largest Web Project
ATLA's Web Site
An extended discussion of the problems solved building a third generation,
large asssociation web site. Tight integration of the web site, member
database and list servers are achieved. Granular security control is
automaticaly derived from membership codes. Historical background is included.
This section discusses the ATLA's web site for which
George Shaffer became responsible in February 1996.
It covers major issues that were encountered as the
web site evolved with an emphasis on the role that
George Shaffer played in the development of the web site.
Throughout this discussion, except where a capability
is identified as having been inherited, George Shaffer
both designed and implemented of all central database
to web interfaces as well as all dynamic (scripted or
programmed) content that is described related to ATLA's
web sites.
Begining in late 1996 or early 1997, some Departments
at ATLA began providing static HTML content for their areas
of the web site. No department took any serious interest
in any ATLA web site dynamic content until well into 1998
and it was not until mid 1999 that departments began to be
routinely interested or involved in the development of
content that one would expect to be associated with the
Department. Department interest generally followed the
creation of an online function that generated a significant
amount of member participation. Thus, until early 1999,
the design and functionality of nearly all online dynamic
content was left to George Shaffer, depending only on the
approval of his supervisor. Starting in 1999, ATLA's web
sites started to see dynamic content that was being created
at the behest of ATLA departments and member leaders,
though some of these projects such as the public member
directory, had been promoted by IT for almost three years.
The order of the sections is largely historical.
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