Electronic Contracts
An online contract system controls access to web site features
and permanently saves
the exact full text that was agreed to is described. Saved contracts
are date and time stamped. The system includes version control and
provides for review of previously agreed to contracts. Access to
protected functions is prevented unless the user has a valid current
One of the more innovative ideas that I came up with while
working on ATLA NET was the concept for electronic contracts
that I implemented in the fall of 1998. Everyone reading
this page has almost certainly read or skimmed past an
online agreement in various forms and clicked on a button
that indicated you agreed to and would be bound by the text
that you had just (supposedly) read. One of the problems
that I have with these is that unless the entity presenting
the agreement is meticulous about maintaining version records
identifying exactly what text was displayed at what dates and
times and the users are equally meticulous about recording
when they agreed to what, no one can really be sure who
agreed to what terms. If the text of the agreement never
changes, this is not an issue but if it changes with any
frequency this is a very real issue.
My concept had two components. The smaller part was that
the displayed text should be customized to include the
user's name and in ATLA's case the user's member ID as
well as the date and time. The more important part was that
a complete unchangeable record should be preserved of the
entire exact text, including all the customizations, that
the user agreed to. The intent was to eliminate, or
at least greatly reduce, any
potential disagreements regarding what was agreed to and
A year and a half later, I still have not seen a single
implementation of anything resembling this. I seriously
considered trying to get a patent but quickly dropped that
idea when I learned what it would cost. I thought of
the idea working at home while thinking about how
to apply online agreements to the Electronic Document
Libraries that I had been working on. The initial
implementation was all done from home over Columbus Day
weekend, 1998. I did go so far as to raise
the patent issue with ATLA's General Counsel, who after
conferring with the Executive Director, decided that ATLA
would have no objections if I sought a patent. I
subsequently contacted a patent attorney.
In ATLA's case the online
agreements govern use of data obtained from the online directory,
assure ATLA that persons uploading documents have the right
to do so and giving ATLA and its members the right to use those
documents, place restrictions on how downloaded documents may
be used and allow controlled use of selected ATLA NET content.
Later, online contracts were applied to the use of list servers.
The basic implementation of this idea has a lot of similarity
to the central security module. Each protected function has
a call added to a single system function that controls access
to the calling
script. The calling script passes the name of a contract.
The called function determines who the user is. Once again
this is all working within the private areas of ATLA NET where
access is restricted to authenticated users. It then determines
if that user has a "current" contract. If so, it returns
control to the calling function which is allowed to continue.
If the user does not have a current contract, the called function
displays the latest version of the contract whose name it
received, merged with data for the user and including
the date and time. The only option on the form is
an "I Agree" button. If the user does not agree they can use
site navigation aids to go elsewhere but they cannot get into the
protected function. If the user agrees, then the called function
saves the user specific data along with the contract name and
version number. No actual text from the contract is saved.
After the contract is saved, the called function re invokes
the script that invoked it in the first place. For this to
work, the calling script also needs to pass the name of the
script to invoke when the user agrees to the contract, which
would normally be the calling scripts's own name. Also
since the contract function cannot be sure where its being
called from and what might be going on between scripts that
call it, all form variables are processed in a loop and
written to hidden variables that are saved as part of the
form that presents the contract text. This allows static
forms and scripts that do not have contract protection or have
a different contract protecting them than the script being
invoked to pass parameters and expect the invoked script to
work whether the user already has or needs to agree to a contract
in between.
All data related to contracts, including all versions of
contract text and all user agreements, is saved in a single
GDBM file. A Perl script that generates an HTML form is used
for contract maintenance. Each contract that is saved is given
a logical name by the maintaining user. That is the name that
protected scripts pass to the contract checking function.
The script automatically adds a version number. If the contract
was retrieved, the version number was read with the contract and
automatically incremented when the contract is saved. It makes no
difference how significant or minor or even if there are no changes,
if a contract is saved, the version number is incremented.
In addition to the contract name, which is not displayed to the
user during the agreement process, the maintenance page provides a
title field that is used as a header in the contract. The
contract text field is modifiable. Within the contract
text "[fullname]" (without the quotes) is recognized as a
marker by the scripts that use contracts, into which the
current user's full name is automatically substituted. The
full name, as it was retrieved from the member record at the
time of the agreement is saved as a separate data field in
the saved contract data. Regardless of future name
changes, when an agreed to contract is retrieved, the name
as the agreeing to user saw it will be displayed.
The other user modifiable field is a minimum version number.
The called enforcement function uses this minimum version number
to compare with the version number of any similarly named
contracts the user
may have agreed to. For a user to have a "current" contract
they must have executed a contract with the name provided by
the calling function and the users saved version number must
be equal to or greater than the minimum version number saved
with the contract. By leaving the minimum version number unchanged
a contract can be updated with cosmetic or minor changes, and
anyone who has agreed to the older version does not need to
agree to the latest version to have continued access to a
protected function. By setting the minimum version number
to one higher than the displayed version number, i.e., what
will be the new version number when the updated contract is
saved, all users are forced to renew their agreements before
being allowed to access the protected function. By setting and
leaving the minimum version number as 0, all users who attempt
to access a contract protected function will be
forced to agree to every minor contract change that is
If you're familiar with Perl hashes but not GDBM, think
of GDBM as an efficient way to store Perl hashes to disk for
long term storage. Each record consists of a unique key and
data which could be null. Keys and data can be any value that
Perl can have in a variable. In my contract system both are
always displayable text values. There is one special key that
contains a delimited list of contract names.
Each contract is stored
as two or more records. One record is just the contract name
which should exactly match the name stored in the special
record. Its data is a single numeric string for the
current version number. The second part has one record for
each version that has been saved. This part is keyed
on the contract name concatenated with a delimiter and a
version number. For each version, the data contains a delimited
list with the date and time the contract was saved, the title,
the minimum version number and the full text of the contract.
No contract version is ever deleted nor can it be if the
system is to maintain any integrity.
User's agreements are stored in a single record keyed on the
member's ID number. All agreements are stored in a delimited
list with data for each agreement separated by a different
delimiter. Each agreement has the contract name and version
number agreed to, the exact system date and time the agreement
was executed, the user's full name and the standard formatted text
string that starts all contracts. There may be a large discrepancy
between the time that was displayed in the contract text and the
time the user clicked on the I agree button, depending on how
long the user took to read the contract. Each new agreement
is always inserted at the beginning of the list so the
verification program does not need to check multiple occurrences
of the same contract name. It knows the first matching name
it finds will be the latest version. No agreement data is
ever deleted.
Also included in the system was a contract review feature
that allowed a link to be placed on any dynamic page protected
by an online contract. The
review function is passed the name of the contract to be
reviewed. It determines the current user, retrieves their
contract agreement record, gets the version number of the
named contract to which the user last agreed, retrieves that
version of the named contract, merges that version with the
user data saved in the agreement record and displayes the
results for the user. The contract name and version number
are displayed at the bottom of the output page.
I'm not a lawyer and very little about electronic agreements
is yet settled legally. What I do know is that a number of
states have adopted laws recognizing shrink wrap agreements
and that the Uniform Code that is being pushed on the states
that have not already adopted it, recognizes shrink wrap agreements
as valid contracts.
I can't say how my electronic agreement or any other electronic
agreement on which anyone clicks an "I agree" button will stack
up against shrink wrap agreements. What I do know is that
electronic agreements or contracts represent the future and
this is still the only system I've personally encountered
that makes any attempt to record who agreed to what and when.
Of course the system can be corrupted or perverted. I doubt
there's an application system in existence where the authors can't
get to and alter any data that is stored by the system, if those
authors are also administrators of the machines the application
is running on. In this case, there are no special security tricks
so any good Perl programmer should be able to write a general
purpose CGI maintenance script in less than an hour that would
let them add to, alter or delete any data in this system.
That is of course
assuming the author can locate the script where it has write
access to the data and subsequently execute it.
Though I know exactly what needs to be done, as I have no
need of such a script, I've never written one. Even if I
do, I wouldn't use such a script on live data. Paper documents
can also be forged and altered. In real life, contract
disputes almost never revolve around a dispute over what was
signed. As both parties normally have copies of the final
signed document, it's simply to risky to try to alter such
a document when you know it will be subject to legal scrutiny.
Real contract disputes are over what the agreed to language
actually meant or whether the parties did
or did not do what the agreement required them to do.
I expect that in the electronic world, there will be more
disputes over the actual language that was agreed to, if for
no other reason because there has been almost no effort to date
to make any kind of record, and certainly not any automated
record of what was agreed to, by whom and when. I
belive that any party that makes an honest effort to do these
things will be in a much stronger position than anyone who
does not, when such a disagreement does arise. I don't think
it will make much difference that the system is not fool proof
as long as the technical staff who have access to the data
can testify that they either don't have the tools to manipulate
the data or at least that they have never used them on live
Obviously the legal landscape needs to be watched but I
believe that my effort and other attempts to make an exact
record of who agreed to what and when are the first steps
to real electronic agreements that the courts will recognize.
Ultimately they will probably require public key encryption
or similar authentication technology but without first recording
the basics of what was seen and agreed to, no elaborate security
technology means a thing.
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