Lost Member Data
Other losses that could occur, relate to theft of your member
information. Perhaps the least important would be loss of list
sales revenue that might otherwise be derived from your member
list. Such loses would be self limiting. The more use that is
made of stolen data, the greater the chance that the perpetrators
could be tracked.
Much worse would be use of member data to contact the membership
with unauthorized or damaging information. The extent of the
damage would be limited largely by the motives and imagination of
whoever was attempting to damage your organization. If the member
database has a large number of e-mail addresses, such contact
might be made at almost no cost to the perpetrators and could be
done in such a way that it would be untraceable. If your web site
can be compromised, your e-mail system might also be compromised
and intruders could conceivably be able to send the e-mail from
your systems.
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