Good and Bad Passwords How-To
Creating and Optimizing High Quality
Password Cracking Dictionaries and Transformation Rules
Creating Cracking Dictionaries
A cracker should have more than one password dictionary. One
password dictionary should be relatively small and focus on high
yield words. Another should attempt to be comprehensive. Word is
used in the broadest possible sense and includes any character
sequence that appears in any electronic list which is referred to
as a dictionary. 111111 is a word because it appears in Dan
Klein's numbers dictionary. Names are of course words. Names
includes names of actors, famous people and sports figures and
every other sub grouping that regularly gets listed separately as
an example of a bad password. Names also includes the names of
places and things, both real and fictional.
The high yield password cracking dictionary should start with a
standard small dictionary. /usr/dict/words is probably as good
as any. It then must include names. The source should be census
information from the country where the target computer is
located. In the U.S. the only real question is how much of the
census lists to include. Given the very high efficiency of Dan
Klien's two thousand plus common name list, I would use all the
common male and female first names from the census lists.
Dan Klein's surname list is very small (160 entries) and every
entry looks like a very common last name; this is the second
highest yield dictionary he used. The Census surname list is much
larger than Dan Klein's complete dictionary. If I had a large
database of accounts and passwords, I'd test the first 100, 1000,
5000, and 10,000 and the bottom half to get a sense of where
results start diminishing rapidly. Absent a test, I'd use the
first 1000. It's clear that a systematic list of very common last
names will be very productive.
I'd also put Dan Klein's very high yield "Phrases and patterns"
dictionary into my high yield one, though I might review and
update it first. I'd consider the character sequences and
numbers dictionaries even though their yield was not very
I'd also collect several common password lists for inclusion in
the high yield dictionary. I would want to combine them and
strip them of ordinary words and names before combining into
the high yield dictionary. I'd want to be able to track the
results on things like: ( !@#$% 123123 abc123 apollo13 hal9000
jordan23 qwerty star69 test123 thx1138 win95 ) and anything
else that might really be a common password that's not a word
in its normal meaning.
I'd want to consider some of the other things Dan Klien used such
as myths and legends, sports, science fiction, movies and actors,
cartoons, famous people. I'd want to find up-to-date and more
comprehensive sources for these and probably want to do some
preliminary testing before including any in the high yield
dictionary. If I was considering movies and actors I'd also want
to think about TV and music. Recommendations regarding
passwords always seem to be both redundant and incomplete;
Klein's dictionary choices also seem like this.
For the comprehensive list, I'd want to use just about any list
I could find that wasn't gibberish or random character sequences.
I'd start with any unabridged dictionaries I could find then
add in all the specialty lists already mentioned as well as any
others that were available. About the only question would be
whether or not to add all the foreign language dictionaries that
are available on-line. The decision would be determined by
performance issues.
Optimizing Cracking Dictionaries
It does not matter if the comprehensive dictionary grows to 10
million or a hundred million words or how many transformations we
can program. Any brute force sequence will eventually include
all possible words and transformations of words but these will be
a tiny fraction of all the character sequences generated. Any
imaginable character sequence derived from a word, ordered
sequence or other meaningful pattern is more likely to match
human chosen passwords than the random sequences that have no
apparent meaning, derivation or structure.
The practical limit of a dictionary based approach is reached
when the dictionary size combined with the rule set and the
computational overhead of the rule set will take more resources
than the cracker has or is willing to expend on the search.
This will be implementation dependent and could be dramatically
different for different cracking tools.
The cracker's job is to determine how to make most effective use
of the newly created dictionaries. Starting with a high yield
dictionary as described and the default rules of any cracking
tool, any normal password file of reasonable size will contain
passwords that are cracked. By normal, we mean containing
passwords created the way that most people including system
administrators form passwords as opposed to passwords created by
someone trained to form passwords a cracking tool can't crack.
If a root or administrator password is cracked, the cracker has
accomplished his or her purpose and nothing further needs to be
done. If the cracker has a significant pre-existing database of
accounts and passwords, the following approach should already have
been applied to this.
After running and timing the high yield dictionary with the
standard rules, the comprehensive dictionary should be run with
the standard rules against the same set of accounts and passwords
and the results timed. While this is in progress, new rules
should be developed for use with the high yield dictionary.
New rules should be plausible transformations. The cracker
should use his or her knowledge of the cracking tool and add
enough rules that the high yield dictionary and extended rule
set run in about the same amount of time as the comprehensive
dictionary with the standard rules. Both processes need to
be carefully timed.
When both are completed, the number of successfully cracked
passwords should be compared. The approach that gets the most
passwords for the same amount of CPU time is the more efficient
and where further efforts should be concentrated. The larger the
password database, the more reliable the results will be. If the
high yield dictionary got half the passwords but in a quarter of
the time as the comprehensive dictionary, more rules should be
added for use with the high yield dictionary. As long as
additional rules can be formulated that yield new passwords and
the efficiency advantage over the comprehensive dictionary is
maintained, this approach should be pursued. Eventually a point
of diminishing returns is bound to be reached at which point
efforts should be shifted to the comprehensive dictionary.
Once efforts focus on the comprehensive dictionary, either
because it was more efficient initially or because rules have
been pushed as far as practical on the high yield dictionary,
there are two options. One is to continue to grow the
comprehensive dictionary. The other it to start adding the more
productive of the new rules tested on the high yield dictionary.
If word sources have not been exhausted, the obvious approach is
to grow the dictionary. If the dictionary is single language,
adding foreign language dictionaries might be productive. If
significant amounts are added, careful attention should be paid
to the impact on efficiency. If a new addition does not produce
results or significantly lowers the efficiency, it should
probably be removed.
At some point there will be no more words or adding them will be
less productive than adding new rules. This of course assumes
that the initial runs were completed in an acceptable amount of
time and that the cracker is willing to expend more resources to
get more passwords, or to get the root or administrator password
if it has not yet been obtained.
By carefully following a procedure like this, it should be
possible to find a combination of rule set and dictionary size
that is reasonably optimal, i.e. produces the most passwords in
the shortest time. As the tools are learned, it should be
possible to adjust the dictionary size and / or rule set to get
the most passwords in whatever amount of time a particular target
is worth.
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