Linux, OpenBSD, Windows Server Comparison:
Evaluating Reliability Depends on Experience
Until a company has multiple Windows servers, they are not likely
to see the extent of ongoing costs in supporting these computers,
and even when they do, they are likely to accept the situation as
they may have little choice. Though I've previously described
some of the applications that draw companies to Windows server as
niche applications, if they are the ones needed to run your
business, and they are only available on Windows servers, you
will buy Windows servers. Even if there is a UNIX alternative,
for any company that already has or is considering Windows
servers, and does not have the specific UNIX variant an
application may be available in, it can be very hard to
understand why it makes sense to get the application on a
platform with which staff who will maintain it, have little or no
Windows instability is likely to be accepted, in part because the
other systems that the client has worked with, such as Novell and
older proprietary systems, may have been no more stable and
possibly much less stable, than the newer Windows servers.
(Novell systems in different environments have exhibited highly
variable reliability records.) Pre Windows NT desktop systems are
even less stable; on some systems daily crashes are accepted The
idea that some operating systems can routinely run for a year or
more without reboot or failure, even on cheap PC hardware, simply
isn't known to be an option. The weeks or months that an NT
server may stay up, may actually seem very good to many IT staff.
Until you've had the misfortune to actually experience a Windows
product install or upgrade go sour, it can be difficult to accept
from press accounts and anecdotal evidence, just how frustrating
and costly these situations can become. When a production server
out of action for days due
to a minor hardware failure, despite the availability of good
backups and available substitute hardware, there is simply no
excuse but that can be the unfortunate truth with Windows
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