BODY {background: ccffff; color: 000066;
margin-left: 5%; margin-right: 5%}
/* This works in both browsers but not in tables for
Netscape 4.5 (but I don't want it).
BODY {font-family: sans-serif} */
/* Background image positioning does not work in Netscape making
it pretty much useless.
BODY {background-image: url(gears3.gif);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: top left} */
/* Netscape (4.5) does not recognize body colors inside of table
cells or type sizes if the table is placed in a paragraph
with defined sizes. IE (4.01) does not pick up the size but does
get the color. Both get them if defined separately. ---
Well that depends on the version/platform: Netscape (4.61) on Linux
doesn't recognize either. Netscape (4.5) on NT recognizes both
and does not respond to internal font size changes but adds paragraph
relative sizes to the
size. IE recognizes them
and does +/- sizes relative to the stylesheed defined size and
embedded absolute font sizes override the stylesheet defined size;
IE does not add paragraph relative sizes to the | defined size.
TD {font-size: 90%}
TD {color: ff0000}
H1 {font-size:160%}
H1 {font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif}
H1 {font-weight:bold}
H1 {color:000033}
/* The border works in IE but not Netscape
H1 {border-style:double} */
H2 {font-size:145%}
H2 {font-family:sans-serif}
H2 {font-weight:bold}
H2 {color:000033}
H3 {font-size:130%}
H3 {font-family:sans-serif}
H3 {font-weight:bold}
H3 {color:000033}
H4 {font-size:120%}
H4 {font-family:sans-serif}
H4 {font-weight:bold}
H4 {color:000033}
H5 {font-size:110%}
H5 {font-family:sans-serif}
H5 {font-weight:bold}
H5 {color:000033}
H6 {font-size:100%}
H6 {font-family:sans-serif}
H6 {font-weight:bold}
H6 {color:000033}
P.large {font-size:105%}
P {font-size:90%}
P.small {font-size:75%}
P.quote {margin-left:1.25em; margin-right:2em}
P.quote {font-size:90%}
/* P.quote {background-color:ffffff} */
P.quote {font-style:italic}
P.quote {color:000099}
/* Border doesn't work here either in Netscape. When webreview
says that border-style:double works in Netscape, I wish they
would indicate where because I can't find anyplace that it does.
Interestingly the border does not pay attention to the right
indent on the paragraph in IE;
P.quote {border-style:double} */
P.quote2 {margin-left:2.5em; margin-right:4em}
P.quote2 {font-size:80%}
/* P.quote2 {background-color:ffffff} */
P.quote2 {font-style:italic}
P.quote2 {color:0000cc}
UL.ulstyle {list-style-type:square}
UL.ulstyle {color:cc0000}
UL.usstyle {list-style-position:outside}
OL.ol-upper-roman {list-style-type:upper-roman}
OL.ol-upper-alpha {list-style-type:upper-alpha}
OL.ol-decimal {list-style-type:decimal}
OL.ol-lower-roman {list-style-type:lower-roman}