Cascading Style Sheets as Used on
How GeodSoft uses Cascading Style Sheets to standardize the appearance of
common HTML elements on its own site. Due to contemporary browser
incompatibilities, only limited use is made of CSS at this time.
The GeodSoft style sheet is pretty basic.
It starts with.
BODY {background: rgb(0,51,153); color: rgb(0,0,102);}
TD {color: rgb(0,0,102)}
The BODY element sets default background and type colors. Setting
the TD color (text) to the same as the in the BODY, causes Netscape to display
text inside of table cells as the same color as used elsewhere. If this item
is removed, Netscape typically shows nearly all text as black, since nearly
all text in pages are in multiple nested tables. Other
browsers display table text in the same color as the body text if they
have no more specific style instructions.
Next are a series of entries setting the appearance of headings throughout
the site.
H1 {font-size:140%}
H1 {font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif}
H1 {font-weight:bold}
H1 {color:rgb(0,0,51)}
For each heading size (1 - 6) there are four lines and four attributes. All
attributes could be combined into one line but if there is any mistake or an
item Netscape does not understand, it tends to drop the entire style. The most
important feature regarding the headings are the sizes which range from 140%
down to 105% from <H1> to <H6>. The standard Heading size spread
is way to wide. <H1> is virtually unusable because it's simple too big
at its default display size. On the other hand <H6> is smaller than the
default text type size. Changing the size range allows headings to be used as
they should with H1 for the most important topics on the site with each lower
level heading being less important. All are still larger than body text
and further set off from body text by being a sans serif face where the default
body text face is serif (Roman), bold and a darker blue (almost black) than
the body text color.
H1 {margin-left:.5em; margin-right:.5em}
I recently (mid September) added the new margin settings for headers. I
happened to notice that one page title (at a particular browser
window size) was running right to both edges of
the white content area. This was ugly and I immediately thought of
style sheets. At first I added a 1em margin and immediately every header
on the site was indenting rather than running flush to the margins. After
looking at this for a few days I decided that the lower level headers that
had been flush left were not offset enough from the standard 2em paragraph
indent. I tried .5em which seemed just right. There was visible white space
between the headers and table cell border but they were also very distinct
from the indented paragraphs. Someday all the browsers will really support
style sheets and many site wide changes will become a snap (assuming your
site has and sticks to standards) and not require the nearly as much of
the custom programming that I do in my maintenance scripts.
The final elements in the style sheet are paragraph entries:
P.indent1 {margin-left:2em; margin-right:2em}
P.indent3 {margin-left:3em; margin-right:3em}
P.indent4 {margin-left:4em; margin-right:4em}
Wherever a <P class="indent1"> tag is used, the paragraph started
by that tag will be indented on both the left and right by two em's; the actual
margin seems to be somewhat more. Em's were selected because they scale with
the type. Using <P class=indent1> consistently on the paragraphs in
the main content area of each GeodSoft page provide a consistent margin
throughout the site that could be changed at any time by simply making two tiny
changes in /root.css. This also makes it particularly
easy to out dent the inner page headings without using any additional HTML
The paragraph style names are not consistent as "indent1" was the only
indent that I used for about a year and a half. Eventually I realized that
using <blockquote> and other gimmicks to control successive levels
of indent made no sense as the amount of indent did not relate to the
standard indent set by "indent1". It was much simpler to directly
control additional indent with additional paragraph styles but it took
a long time to realize that. By then "indent1" was embedded in hundreds
of pages and changing the name to "indent2" didn't seem worth the work
and potential problems.
For in 2000, I have chosen a minimal set of Cascading Style Sheet
features that are implemented in a similar manner accross widely deployed
browsers. I have stayed with the traditional tables, font sizes and width
specifications for most of my visual appearance control, despite the World Wide
Web Consortium's recommendations against such practices. Because the
sites are almost entirely script generated, it should be a simple matter to adopt
more up-to-date coding practices when they are more widely supported by browsers.
Hopefully readers have noticed that my use of width is not used the way
a graphics designer is likely to use it. I do not try to force a fixed
size and proportion on web pages. Rather, I use width controls to
minimize scrolling and improve readability. Most of the GeodSoft pages
are actually useable in a 400 x 400 pixel browser window with Netscape on
Linux. If a browser window is very large, the text column is held to
a maximum of 600 pixels so lines do not get too long to read. As the
window shrinks the text column compresses to a point comparable to a
newspaper column width and then shrinks no more. When the contents
no longer fit the browser window, its the standard navigation aids that
are pushed out of site first, not the unique content that is presumably
the reason the reader is on the page. Some pages that have larger
fixed width elements, such as the sample site, do not behave as described
but it's still the standard components that disappear first.
Given the state of browsers today, I do not believe it is possible to follow
the W3C latest recommended standards, HTML 4.01 and create a reasonably
complex page that displays properly in any existing browser, let alone
consistently in multiple browsers. Too many elements and attributes that
many existing browsers depend on are deprecated. Specifically the <FONT>
element as well as the <TD> height and width attributes are
deprecated. Bgcolor is deprecated for all the elements.
Many existing browsers simply don't support style sheets well enough
to allow adequate control of the visual characteristics that these
elements and attributes control.
As the graphics at the top of this page and the main style sheet page
show, these pages do validate
to correct HTML 4.00 and that the style sheets are valid as well.
GeodSoft pages get excellent ratings from both Web Site Garage and
Net Mechanic,
for HTML and browser compatibility.
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