# Copyright 2000 - 2004 George Shaffer # Anyone may use or modify this code for any purpose PROVIDED # that as long as it is recognizably derived from this code, # that this copyright notice, remains intact and unchanged. # No warrantees of any kind are expressed or implied. # Must be executed from single user mode. Make immutable # system intialization scripts and security auditing files # changeable. cd /etc chflags -R noschg * # Clear immutable flags that may have been copied as a result of # changelist. cd /var/backups chflags noschg * chflags -R noschg /bin chflags -R noschg /sbin chflags -R noschg /usr/bin chflags -R noschg /usr/libexec chflags -R noschg /usr/sbin # Edit /etc/rc.securelevel so system will be in secure level 1 # following return to multi user mode. cd /etc ex rc.securelevel <<- EOF %s/securelevel=2/securelevel=1/ w q EOF