Structured Arbitrary Passwords

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kug0(zup	  wac7=tok	  hup`8ger	  dad2-piz	  duk17voy	  nop&1xok	  
jiz14din	  yus@5tuh	  jom67nux	  tuy1~jel	  

Use Refresh/Reload to see more. Don't use these passwords. Instead, view the free open source original command line version, or this web version; then save it to disk and run it locally or install this in your website. It requires Perl 5. Other patterns: State Department style, better, still better, strong, stronger, hard, easy. There are over one million "easy" passwords. Change options below to vary the difficulty of the displayed passwords.

How many passwords?
Base password length (may vary by -1 to +2)?
Add extra consonants? (0, 1, or 2)
First letter upper case? (0 or 1)
Mixed case? (0 or 1)
Symbol Odds? (0 to 10)
Display accross? (0 or 1)

Copyright © 2000 - 2012 George Shaffer. Created by George Shaffer (
This version may be modified in accordence with the license agreement
in the comments at the top of the source code.