Online Preamble
Guide to Building an Association Web Site
- Table of Contents
I have been working on a book with the above title, off and on since
the end of 1999. My original plan was to write a conventional book
then use XML to re-purpose its content for the web. The web sites have
proven so time consuming that work on both the book and XML has been
To prevent the parts that already had the most work from becoming obsolete
before they ever had public exposure, I've decided to start putting
book contents online. I'll be putting up those sections that are the
most finished whether they are a complete chapter or just a single section
that stands on its own.
Since the project is organized like a book and I still hope to turn it into
a conventional book, I'll continue to refer to it as such. After converting
the existing content from WordPerfect to HTML, further development will be
done in HTML. As my HTML is usually syntactically correct, I should be able
to write Perl scripts to turn it into XML if I can't find a ready made tool
to do the job.
I'm including a complete, current Table of Contents with
those sections that are ready for public view, shown with links. Planned
and unfinished sections will not be linked.
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