Writing and Implementing the Page Maintenance Script
Design a static site and extract the common elements from it
into a Perl script. Use <BODY> tags and comments as
anchors. Wish list adaptive navigation aids and figure out
how to program them.
Update 5/20/2000
Writing the script, after having defined what it was to
do as clearly as I had was a simple programming problem
that was almost boring. All the larger HTML pieces were
simply cut and pasted from an existing static page.
Where there was to be changing content, the HTLM code
was deleted or moved and replace by a variable that
was initialized to the correct HTML contents by a function.
The only tricky piece was getting
the logic right to highlight in red, exactly the pages
that I wanted highlighted in the site map.
Actually applying the script was in some ways more
challenging (or at least more work) than writing it.
I could have saved myself a considerable amount of manual
work with a little more forethought. Because I had no
idea when I started what kinds of markers I was going
to be using, I did not include any in the static HTML
files I wrote even though I knew fairly early where they
would go. This was a mistake. I should have created
standard arbitrary markers such as <-- Marker One Start
--> and <-- Marker One End -->
as soon as I had a clear idea where they would be
going. These could have been globally replaced by one
of several means at the appropriate time once I decided
what the real markers would be.
As it was I had to manually edit every file in the system
to insert the markers. At least I did this stupid task
intelligently setting up in a text editor the complete
set of markers, with spacing as appropriate for each set
of files. Then for each file I'd copy the whole set to
the clipboard then paste them into the first location in
a file. I'd then hold the shift key and mark those that
were to be moved further into the file and cut them into
the clipboard. I'd move to the next location and repeat
until I got to the bottom of the file.
The script is written so that new files don't need markers.
It will format simple pages with no header or footer elements
and insert the standard page headers and
footers automatically. I could not do this with the
original files because they already had a multilevel
table structure and navigation aids that would have been
preserved and largely duplicated where the individual
page content goes. If I don't start with a simple
unformatted page then new pages will need to be copied
form existing ones or a template page that has the necessary
I did have one real scare when I got to the
Sample Site section. The Sample Site is no longer included
in this site; it was part of a client project with a site
design using several levels of tables that needed to be
nested inside the content area of this site which also
uses several levels of tables. I'd started building the site
in this area and thought that I had preserved the
table structure from this area throughout the site.
At some early point I had changed some of the HTML code that
needed to be standard. Careful comparison of the sample
section page with others showed exactly what HTML code
needed to be added and where so that these pages would
start with standard code. This left malformed HTML code
with a start TD tag immediately following another
start TD tag. This required the addition of one start
TABLE and one start TR tag immediately after the end
of the standard page headers to create valid
HTML code. A close TR and TABLE tag also had to be
added just before the start of the standard page
footer to balance the HTML code.
These extra codes were inserted in the same manner and
as part of the same operation as the standard markers
that I had to add anyhow. This mistake actually proved
to be beneficial. In my original design the sample pages
butted up directly against the left hand column of the
outer page containing the search form and site map. This
made the identity of the nested pages not as clear as it
could have been. The forced addition of the new
table resulted in a small pale blue border, the standard
background color of GeodSoft.com, completely surrounding
the embedded page and making it very clear that you
were looking at a site within a site.
Further because of the difference in how IE and Netscape
handle table background colors, where the background of
the inner site was different than that of the outer site
there was a tiny cell that showed as a heavy vertical line
surrounded by the GeodSoft.com background blue. Early in
making the nested pages, I'd added a cell with a tiny
transparent .gif to force the graphics of the inner pages
away from the left hand column of the outer page. Later
cell spacing accomplished the necessary spacing but I
didn't realize I had an extra unnecessary cell.
With the new inner table and the extra background slice in
Netscape now creating a very obvious dark stripe on light
background, I reexamined the coding and asked my self
what useful purpose the cell formed. Thinking of none,
I removed it and eliminated the largest difference in
appearance between IE and Netscape. The size of the
left background margin of the inner page in IE decreased
dramatically in size. From the beginning, I'd struggled
with minor differences in appearance between the nested
pages and the original design I'd done for the client.
With the addition of the new table and the removal of the
unnecessary spacing cell, I finally got a nested page that
had almost exactly the same alignment and finer spacing
details that the original design had.
After making a first pass through the site working on
individual pages and directories, I ran the script on the
entire site, experimenting with the relative positions of
the powered by graphics and the site map and some other
minor variations. Finally I made a quick start on
splitting the page that describes ATLA's web site which
has been my largest web project into separate pages in
an new directory. I focused only individual page content
and creating the text file that defined the table of
contents and link order. The script then built these
components in a few seconds where I'd spent a few hours
creating the first table of contents and links and
constantly revising them as pages were added to the
Making This Site section.
From now on, I know I can make almost any kind of visual,
stylistic or navigational change to the site and apply it
to the whole site in less than a minute. Even if I want
to create a new or modify an existing feature that adapts
to its context, I only need to add or change a few lines
of script code. Such changes are done only when they are
needed and the web server serves static pages that put
almost no load on the server. Personally I believe that
a custom maintenance script like this is more cost effective
and flexible than almost any commercially available
site management product.
Script Update (5/20/00)
Except for some preliminary testing related to how Perl
was handling directory names, I'd focused my energies on
developing and testing the maintenance script on NT. I finally
got around updating the content on the Linux machine and running
the script on that machine. I got quite a surprise as soon as
I viewed the result in Netscape. The order of elements on the
left with the search form and site map was completely shuffled
around. It turned out that it wasn't the script itself but the
text file that has the platform specific tags for the powered
by graphics still had some extraneous table elements.
In the
current version the left column is just one large table data
element with the parts separated with HTML breaks. The extra
table data elements that were added when the script was run caused
Netscape to decide that the search form and graphics were not
inside a table data element and apparently Netscape displays
such content after the table, changing the order the content
appears on the page.
The other thing that I ran into on Linux is that the script
creates a lot of backup files when it runs on the site. On NT
this is no problem. "del *.bk? /s" will delete all the backup
files in a few seconds. On UNIX like system, the recursive rm
command won't descend into a directory unless the directory
name matches the name that's given to delete. It's real easy to
delete all the files and directories but not so easy to delete
a specific subset of files in the current directory and all
sub directories. find will do it but the command is long enough
and the syntax just tricky enough that I often end up looking
an man pages before I get it right. I decided it was simpler
just to pull out the relevant lines from the standardization
script and make a dedicated perl script that will delete all
files matching a wild card file spec in the current and all
subdirectories without deleting any directories.
While trying to find what was causing the different page
appearance I noted that pages from the NT system were appearing
with extra blank lines in the HTML source that were not present
in the source from the Linux system. There was also nothing
in the script to account for these blank lines. There are a
number of places that I open an HTML tag on one line and close
it on another. For certain kinds of repeated elements this
makes keeping the source code clean and consistent and avoids
introducing white space where it might affect the HTML display
in a browser. It appears that whenever the NT web server
encounters these, it adds an extra linefeed as it transmits
the HTML page. It doesn't appear to have any practical effect
but is odd and really not appropriate.
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