GeodSoft Graphics Choices
Choosing the original site's navigation button style and logo
size and color depth.
Since the GeodSoft site is fairly simple and the only graphics
planned were a logo and navigation buttons, I thought it
would be worth experimenting with some of the effects that today's
web oriented graphics programs generate so easily. I didn't want
the effects to be overpowering but I liked the three dimensionality
and weight that a small outer bevel and drop shadow gave to the
navigation buttons.
Obviously the preceding description does not apply to the
current site. View the
home page as it was when the
above was written. See
Graphics Changes for an explanation
of why the navigation buttons were changed.
With the logo size that I was planing (100
pixels high) and the buttons I thought I needed, by manually
forcing color reduction until image degradation just started show, I was
able to keep the total size of all the graphics on the home page
at just about 10K or about 3 seconds on a 28K modem. As I expect
my audience to be almost entirely technical and/or business
oriented, nearly everyone with any interest in this site will be
connecting at 56K or faster.
The added
visual impact seemed well worth the very small performance penalty.
On a complex, visually busy sight, I'd be
very careful about using effects like these for both esthetic
and performance reasons.
A number of sites alter their navigation aids in such a
manner that they always indicate where in the site you are.
I think this is a big benefit to users in helping them
develop a sense for the organization of a site and preventing
them from feeling lost, especially on a new site. I decided
to lighten the face of button that leads to the main page of
each part of the site. By itself this was just too subtle.
Next I switched the lettering color on these buttons to
black but that seemed harsh and out of place. I experimented
with several blues and picked the same blue that is the
standard text color throughout the site. This is the
next to the darkest, pure blue from the web safe pallet.
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